Notice - This database has been developed for internal use by Scottish Enterprise and its contents should not be regarded as authoritative or complete.

Health and Social Care Structures

NHS Research Networks

Very Small

Scottish Clinical Biochemistry Network

The Scottish Clinical Biochemistry Network brings together professionals from across Scotland to work in a coordinated manner to ensure the provision of high quality, efficient and equitable clinical biochemistry diagnostic services. It was established to work across Health Board boundaries; acting as a conduit between the service and Scottish Government / central projects. By facilitating and fostering cooperation between stakeholders, the SCBN aims to enable sharing of best practice, innovation and improvement .

eDRIS - electronic Data Research and Innovation Service

Part of Public Health Scotland, eDRIS is designed to provide a single point of contact and to assist researchers in study design, approvals and data access in a secure environment. The level of eDRIS support required can be tailored to meet your requirements and includes: A named Research Co-ordinator from start to finish.

Scottish Clinical Biochemistry Network

The Scottish Clinical Biochemistry Network brings together professionals from across Scotland to work in a coordinated manner to ensure the provision of high quality, efficient and equitable clinical biochemistry diagnostic services. It was established to work across Health Board boundaries; acting as a conduit between the service and Scottish Government / central projects. By facilitating and fostering cooperation between stakeholders, the SCBN aims to enable sharing of best practice, innovation and improvement .

eDRIS - electronic Data Research and Innovation Service

Part of Public Health Scotland, eDRIS is designed to provide a single point of contact and to assist researchers in study design, approvals and data access in a secure environment. The level of eDRIS support required can be tailored to meet your requirements and includes: A named Research Co-ordinator from start to finish.

NRS - NHS Research Scotland - Research Areas

Strong infrastructure and world-class clinical and academic expertise create a vibrant research environment across a number of key therapeutic areas. NHS Research Scotland supports delivery of a range of high-quality studies across a spectrum of disease and clinical need. All research within Scotland lies within the remit of at least one Network or Specialty Group (SG). Topic Networks and Specialty Groups (SGs) are the key national bodies for supporting clinical research activity in Scotland.

SMEHRS - Scottish Migrant & Ethnic Health Research Strategy Group

The Scottish Migrant and Ethnic Health Research Strategy (SMEHRS) group provides strategic direction for Scottish research in the area of migrant and ethnic health and health

SHARE - Scottish Health Research Register

The SHARE register is a partnership between NHS, government and universities in Scotland to develop a Scottish research register of people aged 11 or over and living in Scotland who have said they are interested in helping with medical research

NRS - NHS Research Scotland - Research Areas

Strong infrastructure and world-class clinical and academic expertise create a vibrant research environment across a number of key therapeutic areas. NHS Research Scotland supports delivery of a range of high-quality studies across a spectrum of disease and clinical need. All research within Scotland lies within the remit of at least one Network or Specialty Group (SG). Topic Networks and Specialty Groups (SGs) are the key national bodies for supporting clinical research activity in Scotland.


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