NRS - NHS Research Scotland: East Regional Node
The major research Boards across Scotland - North (NHS Grampian), East (NHS Tayside), South (NHS Lothian) and West (NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde) - play a leading role in supporting the delivery of research and R&D. Directors from these Health Boards form part of the NRS Strategy Board providing regional expertise and an in-depth view of research activity across Scotland. Together with the Chief Scientist Office (CSO) they work to develop common, simplified systems to support both non-commercial and commercial patient-orientated research and support implementation of national processes across all Health Boards in Scotland.Each Board facilitates and supports ethical and safe medical research for both the academic and pharmaceutical communities. Services are provided to:
Local delivery, development and governance of clinical research is achieved through regional nodes working within NHS Boards to provide support across Scotland. The East Node (which includes NHS Tayside, NHS Forth Valley and NHS Fife and is managed from the TASC Office in NHS Tayside takes the lead on Governance issues.