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Health and Social Care Structures

NSS - National Services Scotland: Specialist Care Services

National Services Division (NSD) delivers the following specialist care services: Commissioning Services - working jointly with Scottish Government and NHS Scotland to commission national service; Specialist services - Ensuring patients with rare conditions or those who have highly specialist needs can access the highest possible standards of care; Screening programmes- Enabling health boards to deliver effective, consistent and coordinated screening programmes to detect early signs of disease; Financial risk share - Pooling funding across Scotland's NHS boards to share the cost of expensive therapies for rare disorders; National networks; Connecting a range of stakeholders to improve and deliver safe, effective healthcare that's designed around patients, carers and families; National planning; Planning tomorrow’s NHSScotland services today, national planning takes a proactive approach to identifying what healthcare will be needed in the future.

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NSS - National Services Scotland: Specialist Care Services
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