Notice - This database has been developed for internal use by Scottish Enterprise and its contents should not be regarded as authoritative or complete.

Health and Social Care Structures

NHS Special Boards

Very Small

NHS Education for Scotland

One of 7 NHS Special Boards, NHS Education for Scotland (NES) is responsible for developing and delivering healthcare education and training for the NHS, health and social care sector and other public bodies. NES has a Scotland-wide role in undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing professional development.
It is responsible for the National Digital Platform and the Knowledge Network (see separate entries).

NSS - National Services Scotland

One of 7 NHS Special Boards, National Services Scotland NHS (NSS) is a Non Departmental Public Body, accountable to Scottish Government, which provides national strategic support and advice services to the rest of NHS Scotland. This support is delivered through a number of 6 Strategic Business Units (SBUs) covering Blood, Tissues and Cells; IT; Procurement, Commissioning and Facilities; Public Health and Intelligence; Practitioner and Counter Fraud Services and Central Legal Office.

NSS - National Services Scotland

One of 7 NHS Special Boards, National Services Scotland NHS (NSS) is a Non Departmental Public Body, accountable to Scottish Government, which provides national strategic support and advice services to the rest of NHS Scotland. This support is delivered through a number of Strategic Business Units.

Health Improvement Scotland

One of 7 NHS Special Boards, Health Improvement Scotland supports the regional NHS Boards by providing a range of specialist and national services. Its broad range of work includes the regulation of independent hospitals and clinics along with a number of organisation which have specific roles: The ihub; Community Engagement; Scottish Health Technologies Group; Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network; Scottish Medicines Consortium; Scottish Antimicrobial Prescribing Group (SAPG); Scottish Patient Safety Programme.

NHS Goldern Jubilee

NHS Golden Jubilee is Scotland’s only national NHS Board with its own National Hospital, Research Institute, Innovation Centre and Conference Hotel. NHS Golden Jubilee is unique within the NHS, independently run by its own NHS Board. It is helping to re-define the concept of the public hospital, with a vision of “Delivering care through collaboration” for NHSScotland.

NSS - National Services Scotland

One of 7 NHS Special Boards, National Services Scotland NHS (NSS) is a Non Departmental Public Body, accountable to Scottish Government, which provides national strategic support and advice services to the rest of NHS Scotland. This support is delivered through a number of Strategic Business Units.

NSS - National Services Scotland

One of 7 NHS Special Boards, National Services Scotland NHS (NSS) is a Non Departmental Public Body, accountable to Scottish Government, which provides national strategic support and advice services to the rest of NHS Scotland. It provides national strategic support services and advice to NHS Scotland in the delivery of services. This support is delivered through a number of Strategic Business Units.

NSS - National Services Scotland

One of 7 NHS Special Boards, National Services Scotland NHS (NSS) is a Non Departmental Public Body, accountable to Scottish Government, which provides national strategic support and advice services to the rest of NHS Scotland. This support is delivered through a number of 6 Strategic Business Units (SBUs) covering Blood, Tissues and Cells; IT; Procurement, Commissioning and Facilities; Public Health and Intelligence; Practitioner and Counter Fraud Services and Central Legal Office.

The State Hospitals Board for Scotland

One of 7 Special NHS Boards, the State Hospitals Board for Scotland provides assessment, treatment and care in conditions of special security for individuals with a mental disorder whom because of their dangerous, violent or criminal propensities, cannot be cared for in any other setting.

Scottish Ambulance Service

One of 7 NHS Special Boards, The Scottish Ambulance Service is on the frontline of the NHS, despatching immediate medical assistance or clinical advice to over 5 million people across Scotland.Responding to almost 600,000 accident and emergency calls and taking 1.6 million patients to and from hospital each year.


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