Notice - This database has been developed for internal use by Scottish Enterprise and its contents should not be regarded as authoritative or complete.
The Neuroprogressive and Dementia Network is funded by the Chief Scientist Office to promote a culture of clinical research in dementia across Scotland and improve recruitment to high-quality studies from both urban and rural areas.
Strong infrastructure and world-class clinical and academic expertise create a vibrant research environment across a number of key therapeutic areas. NHS Research Scotland supports delivery of a range of high-quality studies across a spectrum of disease and clinical need. All research within Scotland lies within the remit of at least one Network or Specialty Group (SG). Topic Networks and Specialty Groups (SGs) are the key national bodies for supporting clinical research activity in Scotland.
One of 7 NHS Special Boards, National Services Scotland NHS (NSS) is a Non Departmental Public Body, accountable to Scottish Government, which provides national strategic support and advice services to the rest of NHS Scotland. This support is delivered through a number of Strategic Business Units.
The Scottish Migrant and Ethnic Health Research Strategy (SMEHRS) group provides strategic direction for Scottish research in the area of migrant and ethnic health and health
The Scottish Migrant and Ethnic Health Research Strategy (SMEHRS) group provides strategic direction for Scottish research in the area of migrant and ethnic health and health
The major research Boards across Scotland - North (NHS Grampian), East (NHS Tayside), South (NHS Lothian) and West (NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde) - play a leading role in supporting the delivery of research and R&D. Directors from these Health Boards form part of the NRS Strategy Board providing regional expertise and an in-depth view of research activity across Scotland.
The major research Boards across Scotland - North (NHS Grampian), East (NHS Tayside), South (NHS Lothian) and West (NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde) - play a leading role in supporting the delivery of research and R&D Directors from these Health Boards form part of the NRS Strategy Board providing regional expertise and an in-depth view of research activity across Scotland.
Each NRS Regional Node hosts a Biorepository that holds responsibility for tissue governance for their partner board and supports and facilitates access to surplus diagnostic and surgical tissue for use in research. These nodes form a network of Biorepositories designed to encourage the use of tissue in research and boost the availability of tissue from across Scotland.
The major research Boards across Scotland - North (NHS Grampian), East (NHS Tayside), South (NHS Lothian) and West (NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde) - play a leading role in supporting the delivery of research and R&D Directors from these Health Boards form part of the NRS Strategy Board providing regional expertise and an in-depth view of research activity across Scotland.
The major research Boards across Scotland - North (NHS Grampian), East (NHS Tayside), South (NHS Lothian) and West (NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde) - play a leading role in supporting the delivery of research and R&D Directors from these Health Boards form part of the NRS Strategy Board providing regional expertise and an in-depth view of research activity across Scotland.