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Health and Social Care Structures

Public Health Authority

Very Small

eDRIS - electronic Data Research and Innovation Service

Part of Public Health Scotland, eDRIS is designed to provide a single point of contact and to assist researchers in study design, approvals and data access in a secure environment. The level of eDRIS support required can be tailored to meet your requirements and includes: A named Research Co-ordinator from start to finish.

PHS: Public Health Scotland

Formed in April 2020 and succeeding NHS Health Scotland, Health Protection Scotland and Information Services Division, Public Health Scotland is Scotland’s lead national agency for improving and protecting the health and wellbeing of the Scottish population PHS is an NHS Special Board and is jointly sponsored by COSLA and the Scottish Government and collaborates across the public and third sectors.providing advice and support to local government and authorities.

eDRIS - electronic Data Research and Innovation Service

Part of Public Health Scotland, eDRIS is designed to provide a single point of contact and to assist researchers in study design, approvals and data access in a secure environment. The level of eDRIS support required can be tailored to meet your requirements and includes: A named Research Co-ordinator from start to finish.

The Scottish Public Health Observatory

The Scottish Public Health Observatory (ScotPHO) collaboration is led by Public Health Scotland, and includes the Glasgow Centre for Population Health, the MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, National Records of Scotland and the Scottish Learning Disabilities Observatory. It aims to provide a clear picture of the health of the Scottish population and the factors that affect it. It contributes to improved collection and use of routine data on health, risk factors, behaviours and wider health determinants.

The Scottish Public Health Network

The Scottish Public Health Network is open to everyone in Scotland who has a professional interest and significant involvement in the wider public health agenda including staff from the NHS, local authorities, academia and others. Participation is centred round specific projects which will involve multiple organisations and disciplines. Anybody who wishes to be part of ScotPHN where appropriate may do so. The work programme is generated from the public health community in Scotland.

PHS: Public Health Scotland

Formed in April 2020 and succeeding NHS Health Scotland, Health Protection Scotland and Information Services Division, Public Health Scotland is Scotland’s lead national agency for improving and protecting the health and wellbeing of the Scottish population PHS is an NHS Special Board and is jointly sponsored by COSLA and the Scottish Government and collaborates across the public and third sectors.providing advice and support to local government and authorities.

Health Protection Scotland

Formerly the Scottish Centre for Infection and Environmental Health (SCIEH), Health Protection Scotland (HPS) was established in 2005 and is the organisation that co-ordinates health protection in Scotland. It is part of Public Health Scotland. It plans and delivers effective and specialist national services which co-ordinate, strengthen and support activities aimed at protecting the people of Scotland from infectious and environmental hazards.

eDRIS - electronic Data Research and Innovation Service

Part of Public Health Scotland, eDRIS is designed to provide a single point of contact and to assist researchers in study design, approvals and data access in a secure environment. The level of eDRIS support required can be tailored to meet your requirements and includes: A named Research Co-ordinator from start to finish.

PHS: Public Health Scotland

Formed in April 2020 and succeeding NHS Health Scotland, Health Protection Scotland and Information Services Division, Public Health Scotland is Scotland’s lead national agency for improving and protecting the health and wellbeing of the Scottish population PHS is an NHS Special Board and is jointly sponsored by COSLA and the Scottish Government and collaborates across the public and third sectors.providing advice and support to local government and authorities.

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