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Health and Social Care Structures


Very Small

NHS Golden Jubilee Research Institute

The Golden Jubilee Research Institute, formally known as the Beardmore Centre for Health Science, facilitates and supports research which conforms to the quality standards required by guidance (the Research Governance Framework for Health and Community Care SGHD 2006) and legislation (the EU Clinical Trials Directive). It hosts projects sponsored by device and pharmaceutical companies as well as projects sponsored by Universities and by other NHS organisations.

NHS Golden Jubilee Research Institute

The Golden Jubilee Research Institute, formally known as the Beardmore Centre for Health Science, facilitates and supports research which conforms to the quality standards required by guidance (the Research Governance Framework for Health and Community Care SGHD 2006) and legislation (the EU Clinical Trials Directive). It hosts projects sponsored by device and pharmaceutical companies as well as projects sponsored by Universities and by other NHS organisations.

Health Improvement Scotland

One of 7 NHS Special Boards, Health Improvement Scotland supports the regional NHS Boards by providing a range of specialist and national services. Its broad range of work includes the regulation of independent hospitals and clinics along with a number of organisation which have specific roles: The ihub; Community Engagement; Scottish Health Technologies Group; Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network; Scottish Medicines Consortium; Scottish Antimicrobial Prescribing Group (SAPG); Scottish Patient Safety Programme.

NRS - NHS Research Scotland: West Regional Node

A network of Clinical Research Facilities (CRFs) within Scotland provide a purpose-built environment for patient-oriented research. They provide access to cutting-edge clinical facilities and opportunities for research scientists to work closely with clinical researchers, and support the advancement of new therapies and treatments for patients. Local delivery, development and governance of clinical research is achieved through regional nodes working within NHS Boards to provide support across Scotland.

HIS - Health Improvement Scotland: iHub

Within the remit of Health Improvement Scotland, the ihub was established to support those who are delivering health and social care across Scotland, including Health and Social Care Partnerships, local authorities, NHS boards, third and independent care sector organisations, and housing organisations.

HIS - Health Improvement Scotland: iHub

Within the remit of Health Improvement Scotland, the ihub was established to support those who are delivering health and social care across Scotland, including Health and Social Care Partnerships, local authorities, NHS boards, third and independent care sector organisations, and housing organisations.

NHS Grampian Innovation Hub

The Innovation Hub’s primary role is to provide strategic and operational leadership across NHS Grampian for innovation activity. It is most concerned with innovation activity focused on the development of ideas, testing prototypes, and evaluating products in real life clinical environments. In almost all cases, projects and programmes relate directly to significant healthcare delivery challenges, usually aligned with a national or local strategic priorities. Major areas of activity include medical technology devices and data science.

Medical Devices Unit at NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

The Medical Devices Unit is part of the Department of Clinical Physics and Bioengineering. DCPB has over 320 scientists, engineers and technologists throughout the Greater Glasgow & Clyde Health Board providing services to 25 major hospitals, 10 specialist units and over 60 health centres. It provides regional services ranging from acute to community care covering over half of Scotland's population.

HIS - Health Improvement Scotland: Scottish Patient Safety Programme

Within the remit of Health Improvement Scotland, this is a national quality improvement programme that aims to improve the safety and reliability of care and reduce harm. The programme supports improvements in safety across a wide range of care settings including Acute and Primary Care, Mental Health, Maternity, Neonatal, Paediatric services and medicines safety.

HIS - Health Improvement Scotland: Scottish Patient Safety Programme

Within the remit of Health Improvement Scotland, this is a national quality improvement programme that aims to improve the safety and reliability of care and reduce harm. The programme supports improvements in safety across a wide range of care settings including Acute and Primary Care, Mental Health, Maternity, Neonatal, Paediatric services and medicines safety.


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