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Health and Social Care Structures


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NRS - NHS Research Scotland: DataLoch (Lothian Data Safe Haven)

Part of NHS Research Scotland (NRS) Network of Data Safe Havens are available in each NRS node. A Data Safe Haven is a secure environment supported by trained staff and agreed processes whereby health data can be processed and linked with other health data (and/or non-health related data) and made available in a de-identified form for analysis to facilitate research. It is a safeguard for confidential information which is being used for research purposes. Any researchers applying for access to health data must adhere to the Safe Haven principles.

NRS - NHS Research Scotland: HIC Trusted Research Environment (Tayside Data Safe Haven)

Part of NHS Research Scotland (NRS) Network of Data Safe Havens are available in each NRS node. A Data Safe Haven is a secure environment supported by trained staff and agreed processes whereby health data can be processed and linked with other health data (and/or non-health related data) and made available in a de-identified form for analysis to facilitate research. It is a safeguard for confidential information which is being used for research purposes. Any researchers applying for access to health data must adhere to the Safe Haven principles.

NHS Health Innovation South-East Scotland

Health Innovation South East Scotland (HISES) is an Innovation Test Bed set up by the Scottish Government Chief Scientists’ Office which forms part of national network created to deliver the Government’s vision to utilise the innovation process to deliver a healthier and wealthier nation for the future. Formed through a collaboration of three NHS Boards— Borders, Fife and Lothian, with the latter taking on the role of lead host Board, HISES has a pivotal role in delivering innovative solutions to the health and social challenges, both regionally and nationally.

NRS - NHS Research Scotland: East Regional Node

The major research Boards across Scotland - North (NHS Grampian), East (NHS Tayside), South (NHS Lothian) and West (NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde) - play a leading role in supporting the delivery of research and R&D. Directors from these Health Boards form part of the NRS Strategy Board providing regional expertise and an in-depth view of research activity across Scotland.

Test Bed Innovation Model

The Test Bed Innovation Model brings together three regional areas in Scotland that are committed to delivering the CSO Service Level Agreement Priorities of: 1) creating additional capacity with industry, academia and others to run open innovation challenges; increasing the quality of industrial innovation collaboration projects to deliver solutions to health and social care strategic priorities, whilst also delivering economic growth; providing support for academic-led Triple Helix open innovation collaborations.

Test Bed Videos

A series of video links to innovation test bed examples.

NSS - National Services Scotland: NHS ASSURE

Part of National Services Scotland, NHS ASSURE is a new national service established to improve the quality and management of healthcare construction and refurbishment projects across NHS Scotland. It brings together experts to improve quality and support the design, construction and maintenance of major healthcare developments.

NSS - National Services Scotland: Data & Intelligence

Part of NSS (and formerly known as ISD Scotland) Data & Intelligence is responsible for all official statistics in the NHS in Scotland, and has a role in engaging with SME’s and wider private sector to support collaborations and future developments.

NSS - National Services Scotland: Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service

A service brand of National Services Scotland, the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service is the specialist provider of safe high quality blood, tissues and cells products and services in Scotland.

NSS - National Services Scotland: Practitioner Services

A service brand of National Services Scotland, Practitioner Services delivers services for practitioners that support primary and community care across Scotland, including GPs, dentists, opticians and community pharmacies.


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